Walk Tall, Feel Good

Have you been to a fashion show? Were you amazed by the grace and poise of the models on the ramp as they strode from one end to the other displaying the latest fashion of the season? Also, have you noticed how in most movies the hero is introduced-nearly always-walking tall and confident, no matter what the camera angle. Both these examples go to show the importance of walking tall. Subtly speaking, the way you walk determines the person you are and vice-versa! Who needs exercises to walk tall? Anyone who has one or more of the following symptoms while … Continue reading Walk Tall, Feel Good

Seven Golden Habits of a Good Posture

“Stand up straight! Don’t slouch! Hold your head up!” Even if you didn’t obey your mother when she nagged you, it’s never too late to start improving your posture with good practices. What is posture?  It is the way you stand, sit, bend or lie down. Do you impact others positively, without resorting to speech, gestures or written words? If yes, chances are that you have good posture. Many people think straightening up is important only for appearance. Although good posture does project confidence, strength and poise, it is also important because it contributes to your health and wellbeing. Poor … Continue reading Seven Golden Habits of a Good Posture

How to Correct Posture Challenges

Have you seen people with drooping shoulders? Sitting in front of a desk with poor posture makes the problem worse. The result is shorter and stronger muscles in the front of the shoulder and weaker muscles in the back of the shoulder and upper back. Spending long hours on the desk can also lead to incorrect postural habits. However, these can be corrected with some simple techniques: I. Posture correction techniques for the upper body Being able to maintain good posture in the upper body keeps the chest area open so the organs here can function better. 1. Intertwine the … Continue reading How to Correct Posture Challenges

The Biomechanics Of Movement

Have you ever spared a moment to think about this wonderful body that we call our own? Do you take for granted how it works? Do you misuse it often and what do you do to it when it starts protesting? Your body has a way of getting back at you when things go out of control. But this article should be able to help you understand how you can treat your body with respect so that it never fails you. The base of most of your movement lies in the backbone. It keeps us erect and through the evolutions … Continue reading The Biomechanics Of Movement

Dealing with a Weight Loss Plateau

Have you reached a weight loss plateau? Your weight loss program has been going according to plan when suddenly you find your weight has reached a plateau. You wonder what could be the reason or what went wrong. However, a plateau is what most weight watchers are confronted with at some point in their weight loss campaign. However, this pause is only momentary and need not be permanent. Look for the cause If you hit a plateau then the first thing to do is determine the cause of this situation. There can be several reasons for this plateau: you may … Continue reading Dealing with a Weight Loss Plateau

Pedaling For Fitness

Cycling is fun but it’s a good way to get fit also. A good cardiovascular workout, riding a bike helps you burn more calories. However the best part no doubt is the total convenience that cycling offers: you can do it anytime, anywhere, on any surface and whatever speed you like. Your workout Cycling is a good calorie burning exercise. In fact if you incorporate cycling into your daily routine, you can actually lose all that extra mass in very little time. Besides, cycling is an excellent exercise for your lower body as it strengthens almost all the muscles and … Continue reading Pedaling For Fitness

Getting Started With Cycling

Imagine how you used to cycle as a child enjoying the feeling of freedom, the wind in your hair and the world at your feet. In your childhood, pedaling was merely fun but as you grow older cycling is a terrific way to burn calories and keep your hearts and lungs in shape, besides being an inexpensive and convenient way to exercise. However, if it is the first time you are cycling, then here are some points to remember: Cost The cost of cycling lies in the kind of cycle you use. You can get a simple bike for as … Continue reading Getting Started With Cycling

Choosing a Personal Trainer

It’s the age of the personal trainer. Someone who can give you undivided time and attention, help you set and achieve your fitness goals and that too within your means. Everyone from movie stars to industrialists are going in for their very own fitness trainers to achieve that well-toned sculpted look. However, on what basis should you choose your trainer? Find out more. What to look for Go for a certified and well-educated trainer: Your personal trainer should be certified by some reputable fitness organization such as the American Council of Exercise (ACE), a widely known and respected certification body. … Continue reading Choosing a Personal Trainer

Spot Reduction Is a Myth

Haven’t you often wished to lose weight from that one part of your body? Men normally want to get rid of their pot bellies while woman want slimmer thighs and hips. You’ve tried exercising and though it has increased your stamina, it has done nothing for your love handles. Many people are concerned with losing weight from that one ‘troublesome’ area – what is referred to as spot reducing. However, the truth is that spot reduction is a myth. The truth is that fat is not reduced from one specific part of the body but gets reduced from the whole … Continue reading Spot Reduction Is a Myth

Demystifying Weight Loss Myths

The moment you decide to implement your weight loss plan you are flooded with lot of fly-by-night information, most of which is unfortunately incorrect. These false notions or beliefs are myths and can put your plan into disarray. If you are overweight then losing weight is no doubt a great idea but before that you must get rid of the dead weight of myths and beliefs. Here are some popular myths exposed: Myth 1: You can’t lose weight. The truth is that you can lose weight. However, the process is slow and time-consuming, probably slower than what you expected. If … Continue reading Demystifying Weight Loss Myths

Top Traits of a Successful Weight Loser

Who is a successful weight loser? If you thought it was only models with hourglass figures or film stars with rippling muscles and washboard abs, then you are quite off the mark. It could even be you. Not surprisingly, successful weight losers are normal people like you and me. However, there are some traits that make all the difference between losing and winning. Interestingly, most of these are not new or hi-fi but simple, practical tips that each one of us can incorporate in our day-to-day lives. Take a look: Commitment to exercise: A strong and lifelong commitment to exercise … Continue reading Top Traits of a Successful Weight Loser

Help Your Child Lose Weight

Is your child overweight? A high calorie diet and lack of physical activity is often the main reason behind obesity in children. Add to this genetics, and unhealthy eating patterns and you would have hit the nail on the head. However in rare cases, a medical problem such as an endocrine disorder may also be a cause of overweight. Although you have no control over hereditary factors, as parents what you can control are your child’s eating patterns and activity level. If you ensure that your child maintains a healthy lifestyle from the very beginning, chances are that he or … Continue reading Help Your Child Lose Weight