Stay Stress Free with Shiatsu

Want to go in for a massage? Try Shaitsu. What is shiatsu? Shiatsu is a traditional oriental therapy that had its origin in China, traveled to Japan and then finally to the West. The word ‘shiatsu’ is of Japanese origin and is made up of two words “SHI” meaning “FINGER” and “ATSU” which means ” PRESSURE”. The basic concept of this massage is to encourage a positive outlook to life. According to Shaistu, the working of our body is guided by a ‘vital force’ which is energy or ‘Qi’. Thus in this massage, the fingers are used to apply pressure … Continue reading Stay Stress Free with Shiatsu

Dial M for Massage

It is hot, hip and happening. The perfect ‘hands on’ treatment, a massage is the perfect way to pamper yourself and get rid of all the stress and strain that has become a part of today’s life. A massage is also recommended for curing numerous aches, pains and ailments, that earlier could be treated only through medication. Popping a painkiller is often the easiest thing to do to cure that nagging headache but do you know that these could endanger your health in the long term? Painkillers are composed of salts that can harm different parts of your body such … Continue reading Dial M for Massage

Self Massage

You can massage any specific area that you feel is tense, such as the scalp, the back of the neck, temples, shoulders, hands, lower back, calves and feet. Self-massage is particularly helpful in relieving aches and pains accumulated during the day, such as headache or tired feet. It is better if you can work directly on the skin but it not necessary. Massaging while having a bath or watching television is ideal. Here’s how you can massage different parts of your body:   1. Face massage: Sit comfortably on a chair, preferably which has a back rest. Hold your palms over … Continue reading Self Massage

The Power of Massage in Stress

Remember how your baby gurgled with joy when you massaged his soft petal-like skin and the way he slept contentedly in your arms after you had finished. A massage is one of the first contacts a newborn has with the world. Yes, it is the power of touch that shapes our lives from the very beginning.  A massage is the most basic manifestation of touch as it soothes, calms and imparts warmth and caring. It is a silent communication of affection and understanding between two individuals and a widely practiced form of stress management  Amongst its innumerable advantages, a massage … Continue reading The Power of Massage in Stress

Heal the Head with Reiki

Did you know that your head is the place which controls various aliments thus if you heal the head, you will take care of all other ailments? Take care of the head and you will bid adieu to cold, headache, flu, earache, asthma, sinus, nausea, circulatory problems, tonsillitis, blood pressure, voice hoarseness and neck pain. In addition, you will be able to fight stress and tension, concentrate and clear your mind, fight depression and improve memory. The head has 5 positions that can treat various problems. POSITION 1 Place your hands over your eyes.Now rest your palms over on the … Continue reading Heal the Head with Reiki

Treat Your Back with Reiki

Treat Your Back with Reiki Reiki has been used since time immemorial to cure different kinds of problems. It is safe and easy to learn. In fact, it is probably the only alternative therapy that has been successful in self-treatment of every day problems. Reiki does not only help in calming the mind and reducing stress levels but also helps to cure back problems. Try these easy-to-do exercises and find out for yourself. POSITION 1 Place both your hands on either side of the neck, on the upper shoulders. They should not touch each other and should be positioned on … Continue reading Treat Your Back with Reiki

Common Exercise Myths Blast Exercise Myths Blasted

Demystify the myths surrounding exercise and read the facts: Myth 1 You have to do serious aerobic workouts, marathons and the like to benefit.  But you are no athlete. You do not have to be. The fact is any exercise is better than none. Among the various exercises that have proven to have an effect are playing with children, walking to run errands, cleaning, dusting, or floor mopping, gardening, climbing stairs, walking the dog, swimming, playing etc. Time spent being active is time spent well. And remember a moderate level of activity is good. Exercising in itself should not become … Continue reading Common Exercise Myths Blast Exercise Myths Blasted

Advantages Of Exercise

Exercise is good for you. How often have you heard that? Probably, more times than you would care to remember. But did you know that regular exercising can do wonders for your mind, body and soul. Here’s how: 1. Exercise enhances physical well-being Reduces high blood pressure and the chance of getting any other heart-related problems Increases physical strength and stamina Tones up the muscles and keeps the joints supple, encourages good posture and improves the figure Delays the aging process Improves breathing efficiency Improves digestion Reduces fatigue Enhances physical appearance including complexion and posture Increases appetite 2. Exercise enhances … Continue reading Advantages Of Exercise

Beat Stress with Exercise

Beat Your Stress with Exercise Stress can manifest itself into various forms. Knots in your neck, butterflies in your stomach, irritability, and fatigue. Stress can get a lot worse, though, and if bottled up, can be a potent and disruptive force in the healthy functioning of your body and mind. There is no better remedy than physical activity to release accumulated tension. Every hour that you sit or lie around instead of being active shortens your life. Physical exercise is as essential to life as is food and water. Actually, it is indispensable if you want to stay healthy and … Continue reading Beat Stress with Exercise

Sleep Better with Reiki

Suffering from insomnia? Can’t get enough sleep and keep tossing and turning at night? It’s probably because of excessive stress both at home and at the workplace. So what do you do? Pop in a sleeping pill or drink a glass of hot milk? Now try Reiki, the hands on healing technique to cure your sleep problems. Reiki has a number of exercises that can help you regain your energies and of course the lost sleep too. If you are doing or have done the First degree in Reiki then you will be familiar with this exercise. However, even if … Continue reading Sleep Better with Reiki

The Power of Hypnosis

Hypnosis! Doesn’t the word fascinate? What is hypnosis? Can a person actually remember forgotten things, under its influence? Is it a sort of magic? Is it a faith? Seemingly innocent questions that leave you perplexed and bewildered. The answers are surprisingly simple. Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation or a state of heightened awareness, combined with a feeling of calm lethargy. It can be best described as similar to that state between sleep and wakefulness when you are aware of your surroundings and are willing to move. The characteristics of hypnosis include a heightened susceptibility to beneficial suggestions and … Continue reading The Power of Hypnosis

Self Hypnosis

What is self-hypnosis? Self-hypnosis is a powerful tool to counteract stress and stress-related illnesses. It has been used and proved effective in getting rid of habits such as smoking, drinking, and even overeating.  What’s more, it is something you can do yourself, at home. So if you truly want to relax and get rid of the stressors in your life, get ready to learn. Getting Started: Before you start self-hypnosis, remember to keep a few tips in mind: Allow at least 20 minutes to enter and deepen the hypnotic state. Don’t worry about the results of what you are doing. Hypnosis … Continue reading Self Hypnosis