Common Ailments: Exercise and Common Cold

The ‘Common cold’ is a condition that an adult experiences at least about two to three times in a year. For young children this average goes up to six and seven during a year. This is normal since respiratory infections are a part and parcel of life. However, if you are a fitness freak and live an active life, the common cold can become quite an irritant. You are not sure of how to go about your workout during those sticky days and the whole program is likely to go off the mark. Then what do you do? The first … Continue reading Common Ailments: Exercise and Common Cold

Combating Carpal Tunnel with Exercise

Are you sitting on the computer for long hours? Does your job include any activity, which involve repetitive and continuous use of your hands? If yes, then you must take your hands more seriously after all they are the tools you rely on. If you don’t, you may be faced with a host of ailments such as the Carpal tunnel syndrome. What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? (CTS)   It’s all in your hand! At the base of your palm, close to your wrist, is a tight canal or “tunnel” through which the tendons and nerves must pass on their way … Continue reading Combating Carpal Tunnel with Exercise

Common Ailments: Preventing Osteoporosis with Exercise

Are you faced with brittle bones, low bone mass density and increased susceptibility to fractures of hip, spine and wrist? You could be having osteoporosis that leads to a deterioration of the bone tissue, making the bones more susceptible to fracture. Many people consider brittle and broken bones as an inevitable part of ageing but doctors believe that if detected early enough, osteoporosis can be treated, prevented and can even be reversed. The silent disease    Often referred to as the “silent disease”, osteoporosis can often occur without any symptoms. People may not know that they have osteoporosis until their … Continue reading Common Ailments: Preventing Osteoporosis with Exercise

Is Exercise Causing a Headache?

You love exercising but often get a headache after working out? Don’t be surprised. According to recent research, headaches can be triggered by exercise and such kinds of headaches are known as Exertional headaches. These headaches start with any strenuous physical activity such as exercise and workout. Although these kinds of headaches are not life threatening, it is always better to be on the safer side by taking all the necessary precautions. Tests such as a MRI scan may be useful to rule out dangerous exertional headaches. How does it happen?    The pain actually begins with a slight throbbing … Continue reading Is Exercise Causing a Headache?

Common Ailments: Exercise Can Also Be Allergic

Exercise is good for your health. It helps you lose weight, stay in shape and keeps you away from illness. You’ve probably heard this many times before. So what’s new? According to latest findings, there are many people who have been found to be allergic to exercise. Although hard to believe, allergy to exercise is real, though not very common. If after exercising, you break out into rashes, hives, have a breathing problem or suffer from a drop in blood pressure, it is quite possible that you are allergic to your workout. For those who are actually plagued with this … Continue reading Common Ailments: Exercise Can Also Be Allergic

Tips to Control Your Blood Pressure

Look at your wrist. Can you see two thick tubes in the middle, running upward to your arms? They are arteries or blood vessels. Fresh blood is being pumped through them. Now, if you push your thumb hard against them, do you feel a gentle but regular thump? It is the artery walls expanding and contracting, pushing the blood forward. The force against the walls of the arteries as the heart thrusts blood through the body is called blood pressure. Interesting, isn’t it? Causes, incidence, and risk factors Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood pumped by the … Continue reading Tips to Control Your Blood Pressure

Back Aches: Amazing Facts About Your Back

Almost 70% of the adult population encounters some form of back pain at some stage or the other. It is not wrong to consider it a universal epidemic. Certainly, back pain recognizes no age, economic, or ethnic barriers. Even though research and studies have found effective drugs and therapies to combat it, still people continue to suffer mainly because of dogmatic traditions and inadequate knowledge. This article presents some little-known facts about your back that will help you keep it in top shape: Do you think that sitting is easier on your back than standing or lifting? This is not … Continue reading Back Aches: Amazing Facts About Your Back

Sport Injuries: Exercise and First Aid

There have been a lot of times when you have not felt like working out because you are hurt. And there have been other times when you hurt but nonetheless, you continue to workout, play or pursue your game like a racehorse with a passion. But when is too much a bit too much? How do you know you’ve been injured? When does your pain need attention? Do you need to stop to recover? Will you lose precious time during recovery? What are the gains you will lose out on when recovering? Anyone can get an injury and you have … Continue reading Sport Injuries: Exercise and First Aid

Sports Injuries: Pelvis & hips Common injuries & treatment

Running after a long time, a dive on the field or just too many throws in the bowling alley can often result in a pelvis and hip injury. These can be very serious and extremely painful. Although you can minimize the chances of getting injured by taking adequate precautions nevertheless the chances of injuries can’t be ruled out completely. Take a look at what you may meet on the field besides your opponents. Blow to loin Symptoms and causesA blow to the loin can be dangerous because the kidneys lie under it and can be damaged particularly by something like … Continue reading Sports Injuries: Pelvis & hips Common injuries & treatment