How to Manage Your Stress

Manage your stress
Does the mention of household chores, business meetings, impending presentations make your heart sink to the bottom of your feet, send your mind into a tizzy, and completely stress you out? Do deadlines leave you dead? Even if they do, it’s time you took active charge of your life and learnt to take stock of the situation.

You can learn to control your stress by exercise . Regular exercise is like a weapon when

fighting stress. It not only makes you more agile but also makes you a happier person and gives you all the positive energy that you require. Exercise is necessary in order to keep the body healthy, physically and mentally.

Massage is another potent remedy to manage your stress. Not only can you indulge in self-massage, you can help others too by the power of touch. Breathing correctly and muscular relaxation are again techniques to control your stress. They are easy-to-do and help in making you feel relaxed. The ancient practices of meditation and yoga also serve as perfect antidotes to manage stress. However, it’s not enough to merely know about the techniques — the onus lies on you to derive the desired effect by making a positive effort towards actually doing it.

In addition to these techniques, you can also control your stress by making changes in your lifestyle. You have to learn to eat right, relax, quit smoking, sleep properly and have mastery over your time. Once you accomplish these, your stress will vanish making you feel fitter and lighter.

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