Eat Better To Live Better

Do you get stressed easily or are you chilled out? Believe it or not, but the way you live, the way you think and even what you eat determines to a large extent your stress levels. If you are highly stressed out, and no stress management technique seems to be working for you, then may be you need to change your lifestyle. There are various factors that need to be looked into while considering a change in lifestyle. Some key factors include:

  • How and what you eat .
  • How and when you exercise
  • What is your sleep pattern?
  • What is your relaxation routine like?
  • How best do you manage your time ?
  • What are the various support systems that you have at home? For instance, your relationship with family members etc.
Eating habits: If you thought that your eating habits had nothing to do with stress, you need

to think again. Nutrition not only affects your physical health but also your mental health. Eating the right kind of food and a healthy can reduce stress. Healthy food will make the body strong and hence the body will be able to cope with pressure well. Eating the right kind of food will also prevent many diseases such as cancer, heart diseases, tooth decay, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.Here are some tips on how to inculcate a healthy eating pattern.

When in pressure do you tend to:
  • Use energy boosters: Such as caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. A better solution would be to just drink plain water, or squeeze a lemon in it and drink.
  • Smoke more: Instead of resorting to smoking , try and do something more constructive such as taking a walk.
  • Use alcohol to relax: There are better ways to relax such as exercising, doing some yoga,meditation, or even indulging in some hobby.
  • Eat junk: It’s preferable to eat fresh fruit and vegetables. If you crave for something sweet, avoid chocolates. They may give you temporary relief, but you’ll feel only worse later on.
  • Eat a late dinner: Try to eat early in the evening and keep it light. If dinner, however, is your main meal then try to go out for an after dinner walk..

    You will go a long way in relieving your stress, if you follow these eating habits.

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