Relaxation Techniques

A hobby or interest that relaxes you can be a constructive way of relieving stress, provided it is not too time-consuming or taxing, that it becomes a source of stress in itself. If you are stressed, choose an activity that relaxes rather than stimulates you. Relaxation is a skill, and like other skills it can be learn.

It can induce feelings of calm and well being, while allowing you to remain in control.

There are a wide variety of relaxation techniques which can provide the stressful mind with a number of benefits:

  • It is simple and easy to do
  • Increases self-awareness of the effects of stress on the body and mind.
  • Reduces fatigue by increasing awareness of excess muscle tension.
  • Increases confidence in ability to deal with feelings of anxiety, stress and panic.
  • Can improve personal relationships.
  • Promotes sleep
  • Provides an alternative to drugs (prescribed and non-prescribed).

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