How to Get Rid of Headaches

Have you learn to live with your headaches? Are they a part of your life? You pop one pill after the other, but just don’t seem to get any respite from that excruciating pain.

Try these easy-to-do tips and see if you get some relief:

Why do Headaches Occur?


Before you start any kind of treatment it is important for you to identify what exactly is it that you are suffering from. You need to identify what is causing you the headache. Try to maintain a small diary. Note the time, place and what you were doing when you got a headache. How long did it last? Some of the most common reasons for a headache are lack of sleep, fatigue,
bad light and work stress. Certain food items like chocolate and coffee may also trigger a headache. Keeping a headache diary can help you pinpoint the factors causing your specific headache patterns. The diary should provide answers to these 10 questions:

  • When did you first develop headaches?
  • How often do you have them?
  • Do you experience symptoms prior to the headaches?
  • Where is the pain exactly?
  • How long does it last?
  • At what time of day do the headaches occur?
  • Does the eating of certain types of food precede your headaches?
  • If you’re female, at what time in your monthly cycle do they occur?
  • Are the headaches triggered by physical or environmental factors, such as odour, noise or certain kinds of weather?
  • What words most accurately describe the pain of your headache: throbbing, stabbing, blinding, piercing?

Curing Headaches

1. Conventional medicine
Aspirin, ibuprofen and disprin are some of the recommended medicines for headaches. But remember not to take an overdose or else it may end up causing more harm than benefit. However, always consult your doctor for the right dose and even the right medicine.

2. Correct muscular tension
If your muscles are tense because of a clenched jaw or aching shoulders due to constantly working on your computer, you will suffer from headaches. All you need to do is make a few changes both at home and at work and see how your headache disappears:

  • Arrange your office desk so that you do not have to stretch and strain your muscles every time you need something.
  • Sit upright and do not strain your neck too much.
  • Don’t sit for more than 30-35 minutes at a stretch. Get up and loosen those tense muscles by talking a walk.
  • Try to alternate between tasks.
  • Try to stand up while talking on the phone as it is a good opportunity to stretch. Do not hold the phone between your head and shoulder by bending your neck. You can maybe use a speaker phone if available.
  • Your computer screen must be at eye level. This helps you not to strain your neck and also avoid your eyes from watering.
  • Sit straight. Concentrate on your posture.
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Dehydration can also cause headaches.
  • While driving, rest your head back at a red light.
  • Invest in a good pillow and get a good night’s sleep.

3. Take a walk
Many people complain that they get headaches due to constantly sitting in one pose or doing the same thing throughout the day. Try going out for a quick walk. This will help stimulate not only your mind and body but will also help you get quick relief from occasional headaches.

4. Do some deep breathing
Correct breathing helps to pump more oxygen to the brain and blood to the muscles. This will help you get rid of headaches.

5. Meditation and Relaxation
An alternative form of therapy is a good way of managing your headaches. Very often headaches are due to the pressures, the stress and strain that we constantly thrive under. Meditation will allow you to get some time for yourself and help you to concentrate on your breathing and relax you tremendously.

6. Visualization
One of the simplest self-help techniques, all you have to do is try to think of some nice serene place and relax.

7. Pamper yourself with a good massage
A good oil massage can really help to ease away the strained muscles. And what’s more you can do it yourself. Press your thumb against the tense area and rub with a circular motion. Gradually work outward to loosen the areas.

8. Take a nice shower
If you have the luxury of a bathtub, immerse yourself in a nice bath to relax those aching muscles. Alternatively, even a nice shower will help. Some people prefer a hot shower to release tension while others a cold one. There is no hard and fast rule. It depends on what you find most comfortable.

The key here is to do the thing that you find most comfortable and relaxing. While some of us may want to do some vigorous aerobic exercise to relax, others would prefer to lie down on and listen to some soothing music. Do whatever that makes you relax and helps you in easing your headache.

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