Meditation: Going Back to Basics

Think meditation, and the picture that comes into your mind is that of an old saint sitting under a Peepul tree, with his eyes closed, oblivious to his surroundings. Yes, this is what meditation was a few hundred years ago. Today, however, it is a way of life and is seen as a technique that rids the mind from disturbing thoughts. 
What meditation is not: Meditation is not religion. Nor is it concentration or hypnosis. Meditation does not become better by taking drugs. You do not have to be a particular age to be able to meditate. Everyone can do it and you can get better at it with a little bit of practice.
and What is meditation?

It is a process that leads one to inner peace and tranquility. It allows you to be in touch with yourself, completely relaxing you by taking you away from the humdrum of daily activity. It allows you to put things in perspective and makes you stress free.

There are various forms of meditation. Some of the popular techniques are Vipasana, Transcendental Meditation and the Art of living. These techniques have been scientifically validated and have been proven to change the habits as well as attitudes of people. Though these techniques follow different procedures, they have some common benefits which include:
  • A lower, more stable heart rate
  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Less chances of developing heart diseases.
  • Better circulation of blood, which directly improves your work performance
  • Slower, more stable respiratory rate
  • Fewer psychosomatic symptoms
  • Lower levels of anxiety
  • Better concentration at work
  • Better capacity for adjustment in society
  • Better family and personal relationships
  • Improved general health
  • Make you a happier person
  • Gives you more energy
  • Helps you think positively Meditation is a safe, easy-to-learn and a practical method of stress management, which can be practiced at home once it has been learnt under supervision.

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