Seven Steps Of Doing Transcendental Meditation

Steps of Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation (TM) is both easy to learn and practice. Over 4 million people all over the world, of all ages, profession, education and religion have learnt TM and enjoyed its benefits.

However, unlike other meditation techniques, TM cannot be learnt from a book or tape. You need to learn it from a teacher. Personal instruction from a qualified TM teacher ensures that you learn the technique properly and draw the maximum benefits of the technique.
The TM programme is taught through a seven-step instruction course offered at the various Maharishi Vedic Universities and schools throughout the world. The course includes two lectures that provide the intellectual understanding to start the technique and four consecutive days of actual instructions for 2 hours daily.
Take a look at the course structure:
Step 1: An Introductory Lecture
The first step is a public lecture that provides an introduction to the TM programme and presents a vision of possibilities from practising the technique. The lecture is about 90 minutes and includes the description, the benefits and how to begin the technique which outlines the seven-step course of instruction to learn TM.
Step 2: Preparatory Lecture
The second step is also a public lecture, which provides an explanation of the mechanics of the Transcendental Meditation technique. It lasts for about 90 minutes and includes a discussion of:
  • How TM works
  • How TM is easy to learn and effortless to practice
  • How TM is unique and different from all other techniques of meditation or self- development,
  • and The origin of TM
You also have the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have and can even seek an appointment for personal instruction. The interview takes about 15 minutes.
Step 3: A Personal Interview.
This is with a trained instructor.
Step 4: Personal Instruction in TM.
This is the actual instruction in the technique of TM, which is held on a one-to-one basis with a qualified teacher. Here you will actually learn to practice the technique. Personal instruction takes about 2 hours.
Step 5: First Day of Checking Seminar
Following the personal instruction, the fifth step begins with a 3-day series of 2-hour checking seminars. It helps you review the mechanics of the technique and to verify and validate the correctness of your practice. All those who have received personal instruction the previous day attend this seminar.
Step 6: Second Day of Checking Seminar
The sixth step is held on the second day after your personal instruction. In this session you can ask any new questions you might have, verify the correctness of your practice, and discuss the mechanics of establishing the benefits of TM.
Step 7: Third Day of Checking Seminar
The seventh step is held on the third day after your personal instruction. Its purpose is to answer any new questions you might have, verify the correctness of your practice and gain a vision of the goal of the TM programme: the development of full human potential in higher states of consciousness. The complete follow-up programme is also outlined.
Following these seven steps of TM instruction, there is a complete, optional lifetime follow-up programme that is available for every TM practitioner. The programme includes regular personal checking, advanced lectures and special seminars to ensure your complete understanding of the benefits. The seven steps, plus the follow-up programme, are offered through Maharishi Vedic Universities and Schools located throughout the world.

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