Reiki doesn't hurt

Can Reiki Hurt Me?

Absolutely not , though sometimes, in the initial stages, Reiki may seem to increase or create problems in an otherwise apparently healthy person. This happens because Reiki sometimes creates a healing crisis, as in any of the natural healing arts which … Continue reading Can Reiki Hurt Me?

How Will Transcendental Meditation Benefit Me

Regular practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM) can treat your stress-related problems such as high blood pressure, improve your mental capabilities and help you improve your relationships. Overall, TM will make you a relaxed, happier and contented person. Let’s see how this happens: Improves intelligence, creativity & memory: Research has shown that the experience of pure consciousness during TM twice a day makes the mind more alert, creative, and intelligent throughout the day. Provides complete rest: TM provides the mind and body with a unique and profound state of restful alertness. The body gains an extraordinarily deep state of rest while … Continue reading How Will Transcendental Meditation Benefit Me

Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a meditation technique developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It is a practical technique that will help you gain better health, happiness and success, and improve your energy, creativity and intelligence.   Here’s how: Simple, effortless technique : TM is a simple mental technique that can be learned easily without much effort. You don’t need any special ability to concentrate or control your mind, as in other meditation methods. In fact, it. s so simple that even a 10-year-old child can learn it easily. Absolutely natural: The best thing about it is, it. s absolutely natural, which means … Continue reading Transcendental Meditation

Do I Have To Change My Religion/Philosophy

Not at all …… You need not change your religion, philosophical or ethical beliefs. Or your lifestyle, for that matter. Transcendental Meditation (TM) does not involve any religion, philosophy or any particular lifestyle. It does not prescribe any kind of codes of conduct, ethical or moral guidelines. Nor does it ask you to perform any kind of worship. TM, in fact, is a simple technique that will enhance your religious well-being, no matter which faith you belong to. Millions of people of all religions, including priests, practice TM. They say they can follow the tenets of their religion better as … Continue reading Do I Have To Change My Religion/Philosophy

Meditation: Going Back to Basics

Think meditation, and the picture that comes into your mind is that of an old saint sitting under a Peepul tree, with his eyes closed, oblivious to his surroundings. Yes, this is what meditation was a few hundred years ago. Today, however, it is a way of life and is seen as a technique that rids the mind from disturbing thoughts.  What meditation is not: Meditation is not religion. Nor is it concentration or hypnosis. Meditation does not become better by taking drugs. You do not have to be a particular age to be able to meditate. Everyone can do … Continue reading Meditation: Going Back to Basics

Beat Your Blues with a Thai Massage

What sets a Thai massage apart from other massages is that it does not work on a particular organ or a couple of muscles, but strives to work on the whole body. The Thai massage is a form of bodywork that has developed from the Chinese practices as well as from the Indian Ayurveda. It works on the pressure points, energy lines and the basic body forces. There are 6 essential components of a Thai massage 1. Yoga, 2. Exercise, 3. Meditation, 4. Reflexology, 5. Acupressure, and 6. Healing art Lets check how is it done ……………..   The normal … Continue reading Beat Your Blues with a Thai Massage

How to Get Rid of Headaches

Have you learn to live with your headaches? Are they a part of your life? You pop one pill after the other, but just don’t seem to get any respite from that excruciating pain. Try these easy-to-do tips and see if you get some relief: Why do Headaches Occur?   Before you start any kind of treatment it is important for you to identify what exactly is it that you are suffering from. You need to identify what is causing you the headache. Try to maintain a small diary. Note the time, place and what you were doing when you … Continue reading How to Get Rid of Headaches

Practice Visualisation to Beat Stress

Day dreaming? Don’t wish to be caught napping? If the answer is yes, we beg to differ. Yes, day dreaming or more scientifically visualization (which is the force behind your dreams) is a great stress reliever and we strongly recommend it as a creative way to beat those blues. What is VisualizationVisualization is the technique of using your imagination to create what you want in life. It is based on the principle that the mind and the body are intimately connected. And hence you can use this visualization in a positive way to beat stress and relax. Here is a … Continue reading Practice Visualisation to Beat Stress

Beating Procrastination

There is an important job to be done, but you just don’t seem to find the time. There are so many files piled up on your table. You say, ” I will do them tomorrow.” Next morning you find another five added to your already tall stack of files and you tell yourself again: ‘I’ll see them later.” What are you doing? Procrastinating. One wise man once said procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday. Don’t feel guilty about it for it is something that everybody does. Everybody puts things off for tomorrow, especially things that are bound … Continue reading Beating Procrastination

Thought Stopping

You’ve heard the old saying, ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Modify it and you’ll get, ‘All stress and no relaxation makes Jack a dead guy.’ Yes it’s true that stress can sometimes lead to life-threatening consequences. But the brutal truth is that in today’s competitive world, stress has become unavoidable. Talking about stress always reminds me of my friend Sona. She has a tendency to get worried and anxious about every little thing. Once that happens, her mind works overtime thinking of every possible disaster that could happen. Her thoughts range from “I have to … Continue reading Thought Stopping