The grip – an important aspect of badminton.

How to grip your racqet An important aspect of badminton is the grip. You must practice the correct technique of the grip; if you want the shots you play to reach where you intend them. But you must know your natural grip before going into the court. The grip is not just holding the racquet; it is actually ‘grasp’ (obviously on the game) rather than ‘grip’. There are many ways to discover your natural grip. You may try it this way. Hold the racquet in your left hand with the palm of your hand flat against the racquet and your … Continue reading The grip – an important aspect of badminton.

Correct Your Faults in Badminton

Isn’t it puzzling that nobody expects to play the piano or the violin without hours and hours of practice, yet people get disappointed when they cannot execute the strokes of a racquet game. Identification of faults and their correction are the two things that can carve out a master from the ordinary. Check the following faults in badminton but remember you have to confess if you are wrong because only then can they be corrected. Find out for yourself the faults you commit: Stroking faults 1. Lack of wrist action. Correction: Loosen grip on racquet until actual moment of contact. … Continue reading Correct Your Faults in Badminton