Badminton acquired its name from Badminton

Badminton Federation A borough in Gloucestershire, England, where the earliest antecedent of the contemporary version evolved during the 1870s. However, some people believe that badminton originated from the children’s game of battledore or shuttlecock. During the period leading up to World War I, most English colonies around the world adopted the game. Then again there was little or no uniformity, in the shape of the court or in the weight of the shuttlecock.  In 1901, in India, at Pune, the first laws of the game were drawn up (a reason why people believe that badminton originated in India.). These laws … Continue reading Badminton acquired its name from Badminton

Importance of Footwork in Badminton

Footwork in badminton You are standing in the court ready to play. Be aware where your feet are, as your feet and footwork are of the paramount importance in badminton. Proper footwork allows you to move your body and racquet around the court in the various desired directions and with the minimum of fuss, and effort. It gives you the best platform to make your dream stroke come true. In some cases a good swing at the shuttle with your feet wrongly positioned can leave you flat on your back or sometimes you may even feel as if you are … Continue reading Importance of Footwork in Badminton

Tactics to Win a Singles Game

Badminton Single Game The basic idea in singles is to move your opponent around the court as much as possible, away from his base position and eventually force him to put up a weak shot which you can hit down. The way to begin this process is with a high service, as deep as possible so that it falls perpendicularly making it more difficult for the opponent to smash it. Remember, serve low only if you are an expert and are supple.  As a thumb rule, you must try to use the four corners of the half-court, avoiding the center. … Continue reading Tactics to Win a Singles Game

ABC of Badminton

ABC of Badminton Before you start playing badminton, you need to know a few basics about the game: The Badminton Court: The court for badminton is a leveled, smooth but non-slippery surface mostly wooden or composite. You need at least 2m clear space on all the four sides of the court. The markings are 4 cm wide and are done mostly in white. If you want to play a doubles game, you would have to use the entire court, while for a singles match the court would be narrower by 91 cm on the sides. Your net, which divides the … Continue reading ABC of Badminton

Basic Rules and Regulations of Badminton

Basic rules and regulation of badminton Before playing badminton you must know the basic rules and regulations of the game. Strong and effective service is the first step towards winning a point. Remember, service is delivered underhand in badminton. You have to deliver all the four types of service – short, high, drive and flick service underhand. While serving you must stand with both feet within the serving court and your foot should not touch the line. While receiving the service you can stand anywhere within your service court. Be sure that some part of your feet must touch the … Continue reading Basic Rules and Regulations of Badminton

The Origin of Badminton

The origin of badminton Badminton origin Chronicles dated to second century BC, China, records a game similar to modern badminton, and may be the earliest version of the game. Badminton acquired its name from Badminton, a borough in Gloucestershire, England, where the earliest antecedent of the contemporary version evolved during the 1870s. However, some people believe that badminton originated from the children’s game of battledore or shuttlecock. During the period leading up to World War I, most English colonies around the world adopted the game. Then again there was little or no uniformity, in the shape of the court or … Continue reading The Origin of Badminton

The grip – an important aspect of badminton.

How to grip your racqet An important aspect of badminton is the grip. You must practice the correct technique of the grip; if you want the shots you play to reach where you intend them. But you must know your natural grip before going into the court. The grip is not just holding the racquet; it is actually ‘grasp’ (obviously on the game) rather than ‘grip’. There are many ways to discover your natural grip. You may try it this way. Hold the racquet in your left hand with the palm of your hand flat against the racquet and your … Continue reading The grip – an important aspect of badminton.

How to Use Your Wrist

It may look unimportant but the use of the wrist is of paramount importance in the game of badminton. The actual cocking of the wrist in badminton is one of the most difficult movements for you to learn. Try the following exercise to understand and control your wrist action. Take out your pocket-handkerchief. Hold the two ends in your hand, put an old shuttle or a plastic mug on the table in front of’ you and strike it sideways, to knock it off the table. Just wait, Note how the wrist cocks, and then unwinds itself at the moment of … Continue reading How to Use Your Wrist

Drop is the delicate part of badminton

Drop is the delicate part of badminton; clearly no other shot is more dainty than the drop. It’s a real beauty to watch when at its best, portraying the degree of accuracy and control, which the player has on his game. You can play drop from any part of the court but unlike smash it has very little to do with the power. The essence of drop is the preciseness of its fall near the net.  Since all drop shots are slow shots, you have to be accurate and extra careful while playing this stroke. Hit the shuttle gently but … Continue reading Drop is the delicate part of badminton

Smash: The best attacking weapon

Smash – the best attacking weapon in badminton Do you like to attack? Well! Smash is your best attacking weapon in the badminton court. Bear in mind smash is the main attacking shot of the game; it is a power stroke consisting of all sources of power unleashed on the shuttle when it is above and in front of the striker’s head. The objective of the smash is simple: Send the shuttle to the opponent’s court on the fastest possible downward path. Apart from speed, the angle of the path taken by the shuttle is also important. Mind it, a … Continue reading Smash: The best attacking weapon

Clear: The most widely used stroke in badminton

The clear is the most widely used stroke in badminton. Though not very attractive or thrilling, the stroke is of paramount importance in the game. Broadly, there are two types of clear: the high clear and the low clear. While a high clear is a defensive stroke a low clear is usually an attacking stroke. Remember that you must master this simple but important stroke to make any appreciable impression in the court. As far as taking the clear is concerned always take it overhead and if you are not in the position to do so only then do it … Continue reading Clear: The most widely used stroke in badminton

Correct Your Faults in Badminton

Isn’t it puzzling that nobody expects to play the piano or the violin without hours and hours of practice, yet people get disappointed when they cannot execute the strokes of a racquet game. Identification of faults and their correction are the two things that can carve out a master from the ordinary. Check the following faults in badminton but remember you have to confess if you are wrong because only then can they be corrected. Find out for yourself the faults you commit: Stroking faults 1. Lack of wrist action. Correction: Loosen grip on racquet until actual moment of contact. … Continue reading Correct Your Faults in Badminton