How good you are at Turn and Pivot

The Basketball Legend Michael Jordan The best thing about basketball is that you enjoy it even without any weighty knowledge about the game. The suppleness of the game is so captivating that you hardly get any time to think about any other thing. This suppleness and hence the whole show depends directly on how good you are at turn and pivot. Once you are in the triple threat position after a jump shot, you must know how to pivot and turn. It’s perhaps as important as anything else in the game. The sooner you master this skill; the better it … Continue reading How good you are at Turn and Pivot

The Jump Stop in Basketball

After mastering the triple threat position, you must learn how to get into the jump stop position during a game. You may need it just after running, rebounding, or making a play. In the game of basketball, getting into the desired position at the correct time is half the work done. Even if you can move swiftly and have enough accuracy to throw the ball into the basket, you may not benefit from these qualities if you are not able to stop properly and at proper time. Imagine yourself running down the court to set up a play and having … Continue reading The Jump Stop in Basketball