Back Aches: Amazing Facts About Your Back

Almost 70% of the adult population encounters some form of back pain at some stage or the other. It is not wrong to consider it a universal epidemic. Certainly, back pain recognizes no age, economic, or ethnic barriers. Even though research and studies have found effective drugs and therapies to combat it, still people continue to suffer mainly because of dogmatic traditions and inadequate knowledge. This article presents some little-known facts about your back that will help you keep it in top shape: Do you think that sitting is easier on your back than standing or lifting? This is not … Continue reading Back Aches: Amazing Facts About Your Back

Sleep Better with Reiki

Suffering from insomnia? Can’t get enough sleep and keep tossing and turning at night? It’s probably because of excessive stress both at home and at the workplace. So what do you do? Pop in a sleeping pill or drink a glass of hot milk? Now try Reiki, the hands on healing technique to cure your sleep problems. Reiki has a number of exercises that can help you regain your energies and of course the lost sleep too. If you are doing or have done the First degree in Reiki then you will be familiar with this exercise. However, even if … Continue reading Sleep Better with Reiki

The Power of Hypnosis

Hypnosis! Doesn’t the word fascinate? What is hypnosis? Can a person actually remember forgotten things, under its influence? Is it a sort of magic? Is it a faith? Seemingly innocent questions that leave you perplexed and bewildered. The answers are surprisingly simple. Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation or a state of heightened awareness, combined with a feeling of calm lethargy. It can be best described as similar to that state between sleep and wakefulness when you are aware of your surroundings and are willing to move. The characteristics of hypnosis include a heightened susceptibility to beneficial suggestions and … Continue reading The Power of Hypnosis

Self Hypnosis

What is self-hypnosis? Self-hypnosis is a powerful tool to counteract stress and stress-related illnesses. It has been used and proved effective in getting rid of habits such as smoking, drinking, and even overeating.  What’s more, it is something you can do yourself, at home. So if you truly want to relax and get rid of the stressors in your life, get ready to learn. Getting Started: Before you start self-hypnosis, remember to keep a few tips in mind: Allow at least 20 minutes to enter and deepen the hypnotic state. Don’t worry about the results of what you are doing. Hypnosis … Continue reading Self Hypnosis

The ABC of Breathing

Have you ever concentrated on your breathing, while going through the daily mundane chores of life? For most of you, breathing is an unconscious activity that you tend to take for granted. You may have noticed that for a lot of activities and sports you need to concentrate on your breathing. Controlling your breathing is crucial for effective performance. That is why breathing exercises are amongst the most useful and popular relaxation techniques. The more you use this method the more you will begin to appreciate its effectiveness and reap rich rewards from it.  Despite the fact that breathing is … Continue reading The ABC of Breathing

Progressive Relaxation

Progressive Relaxation A commonly used technique to relax is Progressive relaxation. Developed by Edmond Jacobson, it is based on the premise that the body responds to anxiety and stress with muscle tension. This bodily tension increases the subjective experience of anxiety. It is only when the muscles relax that anxiety reduces.  Progressive relaxation has proved to be very effective in the treatment of muscular tension, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, irritable bowels, muscle spasms, neck and back pain, high blood pressure, mild phobias and stuttering.  1. Method of Progressive Muscular Relaxation In progressive relaxation, you first tense and then relax each group … Continue reading Progressive Relaxation

Relax Your Body, Calm Your Mind

In today’s fast-paced life, where you are running from place to place, trying to meet deadlines and coping with the growing demands of your job and home, relaxation has indeed become a luxury few can afford. However, your mind and body need occasional bouts of rest to be able to perform well. What better way to rest than to simply learn a few relaxation techniques. These are simple, can be done anywhere and have the desired result. There are exercises to cure you of your stiff muscles or if you’ve been working too long on a computer and your eyes … Continue reading Relax Your Body, Calm Your Mind