Pedaling For Fitness

Cycling is fun but it’s a good way to get fit also. A good cardiovascular workout, riding a bike helps you burn more calories. However the best part no doubt is the total convenience that cycling offers: you can do it anytime, anywhere, on any surface and whatever speed you like. Your workout Cycling is a good calorie burning exercise. In fact if you incorporate cycling into your daily routine, you can actually lose all that extra mass in very little time. Besides, cycling is an excellent exercise for your lower body as it strengthens almost all the muscles and … Continue reading Pedaling For Fitness

Getting Started With Cycling

Imagine how you used to cycle as a child enjoying the feeling of freedom, the wind in your hair and the world at your feet. In your childhood, pedaling was merely fun but as you grow older cycling is a terrific way to burn calories and keep your hearts and lungs in shape, besides being an inexpensive and convenient way to exercise. However, if it is the first time you are cycling, then here are some points to remember: Cost The cost of cycling lies in the kind of cycle you use. You can get a simple bike for as … Continue reading Getting Started With Cycling