Tips to Control Your Blood Pressure

Look at your wrist. Can you see two thick tubes in the middle, running upward to your arms? They are arteries or blood vessels. Fresh blood is being pumped through them. Now, if you push your thumb hard against them, do you feel a gentle but regular thump? It is the artery walls expanding and contracting, pushing the blood forward. The force against the walls of the arteries as the heart thrusts blood through the body is called blood pressure. Interesting, isn’t it? Causes, incidence, and risk factors Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood pumped by the … Continue reading Tips to Control Your Blood Pressure

Stress and Health Consequences

Do you often suffer from aches and pains and attribute it to bad posture? Or do you have a stomach upset and are quick to blame it on the spicy chaat you ate? A pain in the neck is the result of the unfriendly chairs at your workplace, while you constantly feel tired and fatigued because of work pressures. If you always have a ready-made excuse for your ailments, you are way off the mark. Don’t blame your health-related problems on the office or your posture. It is stress that is slowly robbing you of good health. Today, stress has … Continue reading Stress and Health Consequences