Eat Right to Beat Stress

Not only does the kind of food you eat make a difference but also the way you eat it. Here’s how you can improve your eating habits and get rid of your stress : Eat a variety of foods: The greater the variety in your diet, the less the likelihood of a deficiency or an excess of any single nutrient. Eat slowly: Don’t try to gobble your food – it will only make your stomach do more work and result in indigestion. Slow eating will help you digest food better and avoid weight gain. Eat regularly: Do not eat just … Continue reading Eat Right to Beat Stress

Beat Stress with Exercise

Beat Your Stress with Exercise Stress can manifest itself into various forms. Knots in your neck, butterflies in your stomach, irritability, and fatigue. Stress can get a lot worse, though, and if bottled up, can be a potent and disruptive force in the healthy functioning of your body and mind. There is no better remedy than physical activity to release accumulated tension. Every hour that you sit or lie around instead of being active shortens your life. Physical exercise is as essential to life as is food and water. Actually, it is indispensable if you want to stay healthy and … Continue reading Beat Stress with Exercise