Beat Your Blues with a Thai Massage

What sets a Thai massage apart from other massages is that it does not work on a particular organ or a couple of muscles, but strives to work on the whole body. The Thai massage is a form of bodywork that has developed from the Chinese practices as well as from the Indian Ayurveda. It works on the pressure points, energy lines and the basic body forces. There are 6 essential components of a Thai massage 1. Yoga, 2. Exercise, 3. Meditation, 4. Reflexology, 5. Acupressure, and 6. Healing art Lets check how is it done ……………..   The normal … Continue reading Beat Your Blues with a Thai Massage

Say Yes to a Swedish Massage

If you thought that a Swedish massage was something peculiar to Sweden then you were mistaken! It is known as Swedish massage not because it is a Swedish way of massaging but because a Swedish named Per Heinrik Link developed it. What is a Swedish Massage? A Swedish massage is a form of bodywork that makes use of specific movements and strokes on the body tissues and muscles in order to loosen the muscles. Here the rubbing is in the same direction as the flow of blood returning to the heart. Thus the primary aim of it is to soothe … Continue reading Say Yes to a Swedish Massage

Stay Stress Free with Shiatsu

Want to go in for a massage? Try Shaitsu. What is shiatsu? Shiatsu is a traditional oriental therapy that had its origin in China, traveled to Japan and then finally to the West. The word ‘shiatsu’ is of Japanese origin and is made up of two words “SHI” meaning “FINGER” and “ATSU” which means ” PRESSURE”. The basic concept of this massage is to encourage a positive outlook to life. According to Shaistu, the working of our body is guided by a ‘vital force’ which is energy or ‘Qi’. Thus in this massage, the fingers are used to apply pressure … Continue reading Stay Stress Free with Shiatsu

Dial M for Massage

It is hot, hip and happening. The perfect ‘hands on’ treatment, a massage is the perfect way to pamper yourself and get rid of all the stress and strain that has become a part of today’s life. A massage is also recommended for curing numerous aches, pains and ailments, that earlier could be treated only through medication. Popping a painkiller is often the easiest thing to do to cure that nagging headache but do you know that these could endanger your health in the long term? Painkillers are composed of salts that can harm different parts of your body such … Continue reading Dial M for Massage

The Power of Massage in Stress

Remember how your baby gurgled with joy when you massaged his soft petal-like skin and the way he slept contentedly in your arms after you had finished. A massage is one of the first contacts a newborn has with the world. Yes, it is the power of touch that shapes our lives from the very beginning.  A massage is the most basic manifestation of touch as it soothes, calms and imparts warmth and caring. It is a silent communication of affection and understanding between two individuals and a widely practiced form of stress management  Amongst its innumerable advantages, a massage … Continue reading The Power of Massage in Stress