Common Ailments: Preventing Osteoporosis with Exercise

Are you faced with brittle bones, low bone mass density and increased susceptibility to fractures of hip, spine and wrist? You could be having osteoporosis that leads to a deterioration of the bone tissue, making the bones more susceptible to fracture. Many people consider brittle and broken bones as an inevitable part of ageing but doctors believe that if detected early enough, osteoporosis can be treated, prevented and can even be reversed. The silent disease    Often referred to as the “silent disease”, osteoporosis can often occur without any symptoms. People may not know that they have osteoporosis until their … Continue reading Common Ailments: Preventing Osteoporosis with Exercise

Preventing Osteoporosis with Exercise

Are you faced with brittle bones, low bone mass density and increased susceptibility to fractures of hip, spine and wrist? You could be having osteoporosis that leads to a deterioration of the bone tissue, making the bones more susceptible to fracture. Many people consider brittle and broken bones as an inevitable part of ageing but doctors believe that if detected early enough, osteoporosis can be treated, prevented and can even be reversed. The silent disease Often referred to as the “silent disease”, osteoporosis can often occur without any symptoms. People may not know that they have osteoporosis until their bones … Continue reading Preventing Osteoporosis with Exercise