How to Sleep Well

Are you turning into an insomniac? Or can you fall asleep only by popping pills? Taking recourse to sedatives, tranquilizers, and is not the answer to your sleeping problems. These medicines work — but only for a while.A better alternative to these is a psychological technique such as the Progressive Muscular Relaxation method, which not only helps to relieve the sleep problem, but will also reduce your overall anxiety level. Research studies have shown that muscular relaxation reduces the time needed to fall asleep, the number of times one wakes up during the night, and the feeling of tiredness in … Continue reading How to Sleep Well

Sleep Well to Stay Fit

If you think that sleeping for just four hours everyday is enough, you are dead wrong. Many executives and dotcommers in particular work through the night surviving on very little shut eye. However, they are only harming themselves and there is evidence to prove this. According to a recent study conducted by American sleep researcher and psychologist James Mass, sleep deprivation makes people stupid, reduces productivity, causes illness, accidents and could even reduce your lifespan. If that isn’t enough to grab your attention, read on for some startling new sleep facts. The Importance of Sleep Research has proven that your … Continue reading Sleep Well to Stay Fit