How to Manage Your Stress

Manage your stress Does the mention of household chores, business meetings, impending presentations make your heart sink to the bottom of your feet, send your mind into a tizzy, and completely stress you out? Do deadlines leave you dead? Even if they do, it’s time you took active charge of your life and learnt to take stock of the situation. You can learn to control your stress by exercise . Regular exercise is like a weapon when fighting stress. It not only makes you more agile but also makes you a happier person and gives you all the positive energy … Continue reading How to Manage Your Stress

You Could Be Stressed Out Because…

Believe it or not, but stress begins at your doorstep. A difference of opinion, high expectations, death of a loved one can all contribute in some little way to causing you stress. Domestic stress can be because of personal, economic, social/religious and situational/external factors or events. Personal Factors: that can cause stress include personality characteristics and coping skills, expectations that one has from family and oneself, understanding with spouse, emotional attachment, feeling of guilt for not being able to spend time at home, eating and sleeping habits and rigidity. If your income cannot support your family, your job prospects are … Continue reading You Could Be Stressed Out Because…

Ask Yourself: "Am I Stressed?"

Are you Stressed ? Be it at home or your workplace, relationships play a key role in creating a harmonious atmosphere. At your work, it’s important to forge good working relations with your boss, your peers and your subordinates, if you want to have a stress free atmosphere, which is essential for growth and productivity. Consider the case of Masud, a middle-level manager in a company. Masud’s boss burdens him with a lot of work, which does not fall under the purview of Masud’s responsibility. Though Masud feels that the workload is more than what he can handle, he does … Continue reading Ask Yourself: "Am I Stressed?"

Different types of personality

Personality Types Are you a Type A personality? Type A is also known as the Hardy personality or the stress-prone personality. If you are Type A, then you have a strong need for achievement, which makes you highly competitive. You are always in hurry and have a number of deadlines to meet. Type A people are often overloaded with work, unhappy with their colleagues and friends and work best in demanding situations. Because you are prone to angry outbursts, you are more likely to have heart-related problems. Consider the case of Mr. Sayeed, a computer engineer. He remains stress-free, does … Continue reading Different types of personality

Stress and Health Consequences

Do you often suffer from aches and pains and attribute it to bad posture? Or do you have a stomach upset and are quick to blame it on the spicy chaat you ate? A pain in the neck is the result of the unfriendly chairs at your workplace, while you constantly feel tired and fatigued because of work pressures. If you always have a ready-made excuse for your ailments, you are way off the mark. Don’t blame your health-related problems on the office or your posture. It is stress that is slowly robbing you of good health. Today, stress has … Continue reading Stress and Health Consequences

Are You Stress Prone

Didn’t you think that stress of any kind was bad and should be avoided? Well, here’s news for you. Stress can be good too. Some amount of stress is a part of everyday living. In fact, in small amounts stress can be a positive force, enabling you to meet your deadlines. A certain amount of stress acts as a catalyst for achieving optimum performance. Imagine succeeding at sports or a dance competition or debates or for that matter, even exams without worrying about the competition. It’s the challenge of coming first and beating the competition that gives you that extra … Continue reading Are You Stress Prone