Beat Your Blues with a Thai Massage

What sets a Thai massage apart from other massages is that it does not work on a particular organ or a couple of muscles, but strives to work on the whole body. The Thai massage is a form of bodywork that has developed from the Chinese practices as well as from the Indian Ayurveda. It works on the pressure points, energy lines and the basic body forces. There are 6 essential components of a Thai massage 1. Yoga, 2. Exercise, 3. Meditation, 4. Reflexology, 5. Acupressure, and 6. Healing art Lets check how is it done ……………..   The normal … Continue reading Beat Your Blues with a Thai Massage

How to Get Rid of Headaches

Have you learn to live with your headaches? Are they a part of your life? You pop one pill after the other, but just don’t seem to get any respite from that excruciating pain. Try these easy-to-do tips and see if you get some relief: Why do Headaches Occur?   Before you start any kind of treatment it is important for you to identify what exactly is it that you are suffering from. You need to identify what is causing you the headache. Try to maintain a small diary. Note the time, place and what you were doing when you … Continue reading How to Get Rid of Headaches

Practice Visualisation to Beat Stress

Day dreaming? Don’t wish to be caught napping? If the answer is yes, we beg to differ. Yes, day dreaming or more scientifically visualization (which is the force behind your dreams) is a great stress reliever and we strongly recommend it as a creative way to beat those blues. What is VisualizationVisualization is the technique of using your imagination to create what you want in life. It is based on the principle that the mind and the body are intimately connected. And hence you can use this visualization in a positive way to beat stress and relax. Here is a … Continue reading Practice Visualisation to Beat Stress

Beating Procrastination

There is an important job to be done, but you just don’t seem to find the time. There are so many files piled up on your table. You say, ” I will do them tomorrow.” Next morning you find another five added to your already tall stack of files and you tell yourself again: ‘I’ll see them later.” What are you doing? Procrastinating. One wise man once said procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday. Don’t feel guilty about it for it is something that everybody does. Everybody puts things off for tomorrow, especially things that are bound … Continue reading Beating Procrastination

Thought Stopping

You’ve heard the old saying, ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Modify it and you’ll get, ‘All stress and no relaxation makes Jack a dead guy.’ Yes it’s true that stress can sometimes lead to life-threatening consequences. But the brutal truth is that in today’s competitive world, stress has become unavoidable. Talking about stress always reminds me of my friend Sona. She has a tendency to get worried and anxious about every little thing. Once that happens, her mind works overtime thinking of every possible disaster that could happen. Her thoughts range from “I have to … Continue reading Thought Stopping

Unleash the Power of Positive Thinking

It’s Monday morning. Sanjay is edgy and worried. He has to make an important presentation in front of the top management team, for which he has been working through the weekend. He says to himself: “I am dreading this. What should I do? Will the top brass rip apart my presentation? Will I be able to answer their questions or not? May be they won’t like my presentation.” Sanjay is definitely making things difficult for himself by harbouring negative thoughts in his mind. To make himself feel better all he has to do is some positive thinking. He should say … Continue reading Unleash the Power of Positive Thinking

How to Sleep Well

Are you turning into an insomniac? Or can you fall asleep only by popping pills? Taking recourse to sedatives, tranquilizers, and is not the answer to your sleeping problems. These medicines work — but only for a while.A better alternative to these is a psychological technique such as the Progressive Muscular Relaxation method, which not only helps to relieve the sleep problem, but will also reduce your overall anxiety level. Research studies have shown that muscular relaxation reduces the time needed to fall asleep, the number of times one wakes up during the night, and the feeling of tiredness in … Continue reading How to Sleep Well

The Sleeping Duty

Do you know that you spend about one-third of your life sleeping? Sleep is nature’s way of allowing your body to recharge its batteries ready to face another tough day ahead. It is while you are asleep that your mind and body repair the damage that has been done to them during the day.  When you are deprived of sleep the physical and mental effects quickly become apparent. A lack of sleep will lead to physical exhaustion and a range of psychological effects, such as increased irritability and inability to concentrate. Research has shown that when it comes to sleep, … Continue reading The Sleeping Duty

Relaxation Techniques

A hobby or interest that relaxes you can be a constructive way of relieving stress, provided it is not too time-consuming or taxing, that it becomes a source of stress in itself. If you are stressed, choose an activity that relaxes rather than stimulates you. Relaxation is a skill, and like other skills it can be learn. It can induce feelings of calm and well being, while allowing you to remain in control. There are a wide variety of relaxation techniques which can provide the stressful mind with a number of benefits: It is simple and easy to do Increases … Continue reading Relaxation Techniques

Eat Right to Beat Stress

Not only does the kind of food you eat make a difference but also the way you eat it. Here’s how you can improve your eating habits and get rid of your stress : Eat a variety of foods: The greater the variety in your diet, the less the likelihood of a deficiency or an excess of any single nutrient. Eat slowly: Don’t try to gobble your food – it will only make your stomach do more work and result in indigestion. Slow eating will help you digest food better and avoid weight gain. Eat regularly: Do not eat just … Continue reading Eat Right to Beat Stress

Eat Better To Live Better

Do you get stressed easily or are you chilled out? Believe it or not, but the way you live, the way you think and even what you eat determines to a large extent your stress levels. If you are highly stressed out, and no stress management technique seems to be working for you, then may be you need to change your lifestyle. There are various factors that need to be looked into while considering a change in lifestyle. Some key factors include: How and what you eat . How and when you exercise What is your sleep pattern? What is … Continue reading Eat Better To Live Better

How to Manage Your Stress

Manage your stress Does the mention of household chores, business meetings, impending presentations make your heart sink to the bottom of your feet, send your mind into a tizzy, and completely stress you out? Do deadlines leave you dead? Even if they do, it’s time you took active charge of your life and learnt to take stock of the situation. You can learn to control your stress by exercise . Regular exercise is like a weapon when fighting stress. It not only makes you more agile but also makes you a happier person and gives you all the positive energy … Continue reading How to Manage Your Stress