How good you are at Turn and Pivot

The Basketball Legend Michael Jordan The best thing about basketball is that you enjoy it even without any weighty knowledge about the game. The suppleness of the game is so captivating that you hardly get any time to think about any other thing. This suppleness and hence the whole show depends directly on how good you are at turn and pivot. Once you are in the triple threat position after a jump shot, you must know how to pivot and turn. It’s perhaps as important as anything else in the game. The sooner you master this skill; the better it … Continue reading How good you are at Turn and Pivot

The Jump Stop in Basketball

After mastering the triple threat position, you must learn how to get into the jump stop position during a game. You may need it just after running, rebounding, or making a play. In the game of basketball, getting into the desired position at the correct time is half the work done. Even if you can move swiftly and have enough accuracy to throw the ball into the basket, you may not benefit from these qualities if you are not able to stop properly and at proper time. Imagine yourself running down the court to set up a play and having … Continue reading The Jump Stop in Basketball

Offensive Stance in Basketball

Offensive Stance in Basketball Playing basketball is fun. However to really enjoy this sport, like any other sport, you need some basic know-how of the sport. Basketball may look simple; it is actually, but this simplicity is hard to achieve. You must know all the fundamentals of the game; there is hardly any room for confusion about the basics. Remember! Stance is an important fundamental element. As you know, it’s a quick game where you have to move swiftly in a very calculated and planned manner and not in a haphazard way. For this you have to position yourself in … Continue reading Offensive Stance in Basketball

Individual Defense in Basketball

Individual Defense in Basketball Defensive play in basketball is as important as offensive play. In fact, sometimes-best defense is the best form of offense. Defense in any form is vital, and if your opponent is charging with the ball in his hand you must be prepared to repulse the onslaught. Bear in mind, that this is the major part of the game.  Take a look at how to learn it and master it:   Keep Your Distance: Good defense begins with a good triple threat position: chin up, weight balanced, and so on. When you are guarding the player with … Continue reading Individual Defense in Basketball

How well it controls the board and rebounds.

Rebounding in basketball game One of the most important elements that decide whether a team will win or lose a basketball game is “how well it controls the board and how well it rebounds.” No doubt, basketball is a half offence, half defense game but the team that controls the game is the one which controls the backboards, gets both the offensive and defensive rebounds, and converts them into points.  Remember, not every thing you do on the court brings applause; some jobs are done without fanfare. A good rebound may not bring a huge cheer from the crowd, but … Continue reading How well it controls the board and rebounds.

The Origin of Basketball

The Father of Basketball Considering it’s popularity, you’ll probably be surprised to know that basketball is only about a century old. The origin of basketball is in itself a very interesting story. It’s all about how adversity often brings out the best in people. In 1891, relentless snowfall and harsh temperatures made the winters a time to stay indoors for everyone at the YMCA International Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A. James Naismith, a young physical education instructor at the school — now called Springfield College — was given the responsibility to alleviate the boredom of students who had to … Continue reading The Origin of Basketball

Basic Rules of Basketball

Court Diagram If Magic Johnson inspires you and you find yourself lured towards the game then you have to be sure of the rules of the game before you step on to the court. This will ensure that your hard work and talent is not wasted. The purpose of each match is to score points by throwing the ball into the opposing team’s basket. The ball may be thrown, baited, rolled or dribbled in any direction, subject to restrictions laid down in the rules. You botch up on the rules and you’ll lose the game.  So! Take a look at these … Continue reading Basic Rules of Basketball

Badminton acquired its name from Badminton

Badminton Federation A borough in Gloucestershire, England, where the earliest antecedent of the contemporary version evolved during the 1870s. However, some people believe that badminton originated from the children’s game of battledore or shuttlecock. During the period leading up to World War I, most English colonies around the world adopted the game. Then again there was little or no uniformity, in the shape of the court or in the weight of the shuttlecock.  In 1901, in India, at Pune, the first laws of the game were drawn up (a reason why people believe that badminton originated in India.). These laws … Continue reading Badminton acquired its name from Badminton

Importance of Footwork in Badminton

Footwork in badminton You are standing in the court ready to play. Be aware where your feet are, as your feet and footwork are of the paramount importance in badminton. Proper footwork allows you to move your body and racquet around the court in the various desired directions and with the minimum of fuss, and effort. It gives you the best platform to make your dream stroke come true. In some cases a good swing at the shuttle with your feet wrongly positioned can leave you flat on your back or sometimes you may even feel as if you are … Continue reading Importance of Footwork in Badminton

Tactics to Win a Singles Game

Badminton Single Game The basic idea in singles is to move your opponent around the court as much as possible, away from his base position and eventually force him to put up a weak shot which you can hit down. The way to begin this process is with a high service, as deep as possible so that it falls perpendicularly making it more difficult for the opponent to smash it. Remember, serve low only if you are an expert and are supple.  As a thumb rule, you must try to use the four corners of the half-court, avoiding the center. … Continue reading Tactics to Win a Singles Game

ABC of Badminton

ABC of Badminton Before you start playing badminton, you need to know a few basics about the game: The Badminton Court: The court for badminton is a leveled, smooth but non-slippery surface mostly wooden or composite. You need at least 2m clear space on all the four sides of the court. The markings are 4 cm wide and are done mostly in white. If you want to play a doubles game, you would have to use the entire court, while for a singles match the court would be narrower by 91 cm on the sides. Your net, which divides the … Continue reading ABC of Badminton

Basic Rules and Regulations of Badminton

Basic rules and regulation of badminton Before playing badminton you must know the basic rules and regulations of the game. Strong and effective service is the first step towards winning a point. Remember, service is delivered underhand in badminton. You have to deliver all the four types of service – short, high, drive and flick service underhand. While serving you must stand with both feet within the serving court and your foot should not touch the line. While receiving the service you can stand anywhere within your service court. Be sure that some part of your feet must touch the … Continue reading Basic Rules and Regulations of Badminton